Wednesday, August 11, 2004

What is love?

How many women there are in the world? why do I think that there is only one for me! not perfect, just right forme! may be not right for me, just the one I want, the one I love. What does she have that make her special? I know! She has my hart... my toughts... me. what do I do to make her feel like me!? I have nothing else to give... she has my soul, my been, my whole life! forgive me... is probably the wine tallking....

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Only god knows?

There is a yoga meeting in LA, What drives people to come from the country to get together like that? what inspires them? How can you found such confort in just an idea? I can not understand shuch things sume times....always. am I wrong or just isn't my time for such revelations? what do you think? what do you bolive in? Vic...