Sunday, March 26, 2006

Emigrants against unjustice!

Las Saturday, March 25th... more of half a million people showed up at down town los Angeles to demostrate the discontent about the new propositions some politicians are traying to make laws, in witch they basically persecute and make criminals out of the people that are here with out documents, blaiming on them all the bad things that are wrong with the country. we had een this kind of cases before, every time a politician needs to get a boost in his carrear, or they can not justify the owfull desitions that they had taken and made the economy worst! they appel to the racism that still existing on some groups of United Statians and, to get back in the voter pools the create this kind of horrible propositions, just like Pit Willson did a few years ago... I went to the Rally to give my support and to document this event... my people is here to work and make a better life, not to be a waite in any bodies shoulders... we deserve respect, not becouse we are just asking for it, but becouse we earned it! please forgive me if I am getting exited about this metter, It's just that it seems so wrong to me....


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